Volunteers are given free their skills, knowledge, practice, services, goods and financial wealth to individual, groups, organization, community and country without payment money. It is pure volunteer service, so it most important for the organization and nation to improve different skills from international volunteers. CDP is requesting to allover world to send their skillful youths and children to do volunteer service within CDP for Nepalese community in remote and non-remote areas. But they are agreed to respect and accept Nepalese system and culture during the staying Nepal. CDP has made a rules and regulations for International volunteers “What they DO or NOT DO” for their guidance.
CDP welcomes volunteers of all ages. If you are interested in volunteering, please send us some information about yourself via the contact page. We will put you in touch with the CDP Nepal office, which may require you to fill in a Volunteer Application Form
We can provide you with information about travel and accommodation and we can put you in touch with local people in Kathmandu, who will be happy to meet you when you arrive and help you while you are there. Some volunteers have had specific skills, such as health, education, counselling, teaching, craft work, develop concept notes, develop proposal for fundraising etc. but one of the most useful things that volunteers do is just to be around for community development work. The staffs are great but they do not have much spare time to spend to field work. Speaking English with the CDP staff and other volunteer is always very useful for you for making easy. The most important and satisfying part of being at CDP is to build friendships with staff and community people.
General advice:
It is not appropriate to give money or individual gifts directly to the community children. It is far better to provide things that all of the children can enjoy (treats, outings etc.) and to do everything through the Executive Director or CDP staff.
It is important to be culturally sensitive and to check out that what you want to do is appropriate. Although it is often hot, people dress modestly. In Nepal, physical contact between people of the same sex is common but any physical contact between members of the opposite sex is not usually appropriate and never in public.
Nepal is a fairly safe country and, in most situations, visitors are not hassled. Nepalese are very generous, respectful and friendly. Outside of tourist restaurants, it is best to eat only food which has either been cooked or which you can peel. Water should always be considered contaminated and we recommend using bottled water even for brushing teeth. There are plenty of chemists and almost everything can be bought over the counter without prescription but you should be sure to take any specific medications with you that you might need. There is a good clinic if any illness persists.
There are often power cuts (recently as much as 16 hours per day although it varies with the seasons). It is worth remembering that, as a general rule, almost everything can be bought in Kathmandu valley and usually at a lower cost. If volunteers or their friends want to do something directly for the children, it is usually best to bring some money and assess what is required when you are there. Feel free to check the availability of specific items with us in advance.
Volunteer’s Quarters:
CDP has not volunteer’s quarters and volunteer will pay for accommodation, food and other personal expenses during the stay in Nepal and CDP team will manage accommodation and volunteer will pay as a monthly basis in room charge and food charge